Tableinabox is an Online Tablescape & Tablesetting store. With stunning handmade homeware and tableware gifts. The core value of Tableinabox is to provide excellent quality responsibly sourced products that you won't find on the high street. They deal with small suppliers that have unique products not massed produced.
Patricia from Tableinabox approached us looking to grow her social media engagement which would in turn lead to more visits to the website and sales online. She went with a three month social media maintenance plan for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. As part of her plan, we created new graphic templates to use throughout the social media posts, tidied up her social accounts and engaged with her followers through comments and interactive stories. We developed an in-depth content strategy tailored to Tableinabox target audience. We continuously performed hashtag research to keep up to date with trending hashtags in the industry. We ran social media ads for holidays such as Christmas and January Sales.